Unordinary Group

UN·or·di·nar·y /ənˈôrdnˌerē/ adjective

Not common; exceptional

Ordinary thinking gets ordinary UNordinary

Consulting that is unique—Unordinary Group has lived in entrenched bureaucracy and changed it. We've been there. We are former service members who brought innovation to the Department of Defense. We saw a gap in integrating and scaling the innovation and agility found in the commercial sector in order to strengthen national security.

And through Unordinary Group we will continue to drive our national defense sector forward.

Tried and true is code for

"the old way"

Bridging solutions to defense innovation

Are your teams struggling to be creative? Is your organization struggling to scale innovation? Are your old processes simply not meeting today's needs? Are you simply...stuck? Do you have something to offer national security but don't know where to begin?

Our nation doesn't have time for "the old way" as innovation is continually dismissed for incremental improvements to today's capabilities. The future must be bold. And with thousands of good ideas, it's finding the right ones, allowing them to grow and scale, and having the courage to change that makes the difference.

We don’t rely on experience; we leverage it. Decades spent within Special Operations, the Armed Services, Joint Staff, and Office of the Secretary of Defense working with innovative companies, entrepreneurs, and technologists have enabled us to see new ways to bridge the public and private sectors.



With a deep understanding of the future of warfare and the National Security mission, we offer a unique perspective on:

  • Future Force Vision

  • Advanced Technology Platforms

  • Defense Integration & Growth Strategies


The discipline of taking creative ideas and transforming them into opportunities that can scale & have revolutionary impact:

  • Innovation Education

  • Innovation Metrics & Assessments

  • Making it Stick – creating and sustaining an innovation ecosystem for your business

Leadership coaching

We were present at the birth of General McChrystal’s Team of Teams and we use that philosophy to help businesses with leadership, management, and personal growth training. Certified ICF coaching for all levels :

  • Executive Coaching

  • Individual or Team Coaching

  • Leadership/Management Training

areas of expertise

Joint All Domain Command & Control

Advanced Battle Management System

Next Generation Technology

Department of Defense

Air Force

Space Force

Special Operations


Allies and Partners

Strategic Innovation

Agile Development & Operations

Coaching (Executive, Individual, Team)

Unordinary Group's Founder, Bryan Cannady, speaking at Gartner's 2019 IT Symposium, the world's most important gathering of CIOs and IT executives shaping the future

Our core values


Unordinary Group was founded to bring back the innovator mentality that will secure a leading future.


Our confidence in your direction is accompanied by our empathy during your journey.


We take pride in the notion that we are contributing to the greater good for our nation.

Contact us

We are ready to work for you.

Please reach out to us at and include any information you think would be helpful at this time. We'll set up a time to talk through your unique challenges in hopes of getting started on a plan that's right for your organization.